The travel insurance has been taken care of, the triple entry tourist visas have been stamped into our passports, my first online business(freelance writing) is up and running superbly, and all that’s really left to do is pack!
The long wait is finally over, and we are just a week away from our big move to Thailand. I still have a few loose ends to tie up before next weekend, but nothing that’s too much hassle.
Gadget Bag
One last thing that has to be done is the packing. This can cause me a lot of needless stress, as I like to fine tune my backpack and day bag as much as I can. This means that I’ll probably end up doing at least 3 or 4 packs and repacks before I get things right.
As always, my main concern when going away is my “gadget bag” as I like to call it. I like to stay as connected as possible, and I’m quite happy to carry around all stuff that I need. I know some of you may not need even half of what I’ll end up bringing, but for me it’s important.
I think more so now than ever before will my gadget bag be of importance to me. Simply because of the fact that we’ll be working online this time around. Having a proper sized laptop and other electronics will be essential for us.
Without going into too much packing details on this post(I’ll write up a detailed travel post either next week or the week after) I’ll finish off by saying that as usual my gadget bag will contain far more than my backpack will, and it certainly will weigh more!
I’m off to enjoy the final few days of the build up to the trip!
Good Luck Carlo – I am having the same issues with my gadget bag, trying to find a good lightweight laptop is taking a lot more research than I originally thought.
Hey Martin,
Yeah, it can be a right struggle to find something that you’re 100% happy with. I ended up getting a custom built laptop from 16GB of Ram was the main ingredient. That way, it will give me plenty of juice for editing photos and videos while away travelling.
It’s also an ultrabook design and very lightweight, so I’m very happy in that regard. How’s things developing your end dude?
Hey Carlo, wicked you are headed to Thailand as well, I’ll be 4 months behind ya but maybe we’ll cross paths. Thanks for the comment on Getting Stamped. Happy traveling and live gnarly!
Thanks for stopping by Ryan. I’ll keep a close eye on 😉 Take care buddy.
Thanks for stopping by Ryan. I’ll keep a close eye on 😉 Take care buddy.
Hi Carlo, thanks for the tip about checked them out last night, they look good, think I will use them. Was looking at Samsung the 900x4d (lightest laptop in the world), but just didn’t cut it with Ram and hard drive, also very expensive in the UK.
Things are developing well, should know more early next week, then will be able book a final leaving date….should be early November
In the meantime have a two week trip booked to go to Bangkok in September to carry out some reconnaissance work!, as Bangkok will be our first port of call for 3 months or so.
Cant believe that you guys will be off soon, time certainly flies – cheers for now and thanks again for the tip.
Yeah, are a very reputable company Marting. They’ve come highly recommended, and their prices are pretty sweet as well.
I’ve very happy with my laptop from them. It does all I need from it. The SSD is only 120GB so with 40GB used up with the OS, I’m left with 80. But I have external hard drives that I will use as storage and back ups. I don’t want to clog up the remaining space.
But the SSD drive is ultra fast. I’ve a few programs installed on it like lightroom and photoshop, and they fire up almost immediately when you want them to!
Looking forward to seeing how your plans fair out. Bangkok seems to be the “place” these days for all things entrepreneurial 🙂
2 days and 23 hours to go – if I don’t catch you – have a great trip. We are flying to Bangkok on Friday the 13th! (two week trip) for some research etc. By the way spoke to the guys at PcSpecialist going to go with them – cheers for now!
Cheers Martin. Let me know how you get on with pcspecialist 😉